Pupil premium is the funding the Government allocate each year aimed at supporting pupils who are:
Data collected from schools each year, is used to determine the amount of funding a school will receive based directly on eligibility on that given date. Schools decide how the premium is allocated as they are best placed to determine what additional provision should be made.
Our ‘Pupil Premium Strategy’, barriers and impact review information is available in the ‘files’ section, below.
Our next strategy review will be October 2024.
At Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy, we invest the pupil premium funding in a range of strategies to support learning including extra resources, staff development training and support staff. When investing the funding we look closely at what our children need to reach their potential, this means that the support we give our children is focused on their learning and closing the gap.
Children’s progress is monitored each half term and when a child is not making the expected progress we will organise an intervention to support them in their learning. This will be through a range of strategies such as group work in and out of the classroom, precision teaching of skills or through an intervention programme. All interventions are tracked by class teachers and senior leaders. At the end of the year the pupil premium investment is evaluated for impact. This information is also shared with the Academy governors.
These funds were invested in relevant staffing and other resources to ensure the barriers to educational achievement for these pupils are addressed. It is also the strategy of Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy to subsidise school trips and enrichment activities to make them more financially accessible to all pupils.