
A Welcome from our Chair of Governors, Mark Thorpe

Dear Parents and Carers,

As Chair of the Local Governing Body, I would like to welcome you to Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy. We are a body of volunteers committed to ensuring the academy is the best it can be and provide for all the pupils in our care. We are supported in our roles by the Ormiston Academies Trust. There are three main areas of our work: to ensure there is a clear vision for the academy, to hold leaders to account for the standards in the academy, and to ensure finances are managed effectively. We aim to both challenge and support the academy in all aspects of work.

We hope your children enjoy their time at Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy, and look forward to meeting you in the future.

Mark Thorpe

What are school governors?

School governors are volunteers from the wider Academy community that form the Local Governing Body (LGB). Governors come from all aspects of an academy community; parents, staff, members of the local community and local authority; to help guide and oversee the running of an academy. The Governing Body are expected to assist in maintaining standards, ensuring accountability, and supporting and challenging school leadership to strive for excellence.

The following are the mandatory committees all academies have to operate – they can have more if they wish, but not instead of SPB and FGP.

  • Strategic Progress Board (SPB) +*
  • Finance and General Purposes (FGP) committee +**

Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy’s Local Governing Body have a common aim: to ensure pupils at the Academy are given the opportunity to achieve their best.

Become a governor

You do not need to have specific training or have a child attend Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy to become a governor. All we ask is that you are willing to give at least a few hours a month and have a desire to contribute to the continued development of the academy.

All successful applicants will be given an induction and have the opportunity to attend training to further develop their skills and abilities. If you are interested in volunteering as a school governor and would like to find out more please contact the Chair of Governors. If you are interested in becoming a governor, please visit our sponsor’s website for more information.

The Committee has wide-ranging responsibilities – these include reviewing and monitoring all matters relating to the current and future curriculum, the agreement of priorities and targets, and reviewing the published data on pupil attainment and the standards achieved by the academy. Its overarching focus is to promote the quality of the overall student experience, and it does so by supporting the development and use of best practice in all matters.

The Committee is responsible for monitoring and advising on the day to day financial operations and controls. It monitors the monthly management accounts, reviews and recommends the annual budget and account, and considers the adequacy of risk management and internal controls. It also focuses on all personnel, HR, premises and Health & Safety issues.

Clerk to the governing body: Mrs Sarah Pitts

To contact the Chair of Governors, please write to:
Clerk to the Governing Body
c/o Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy
Orde Avenue
Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
Norfolk, NR31 9NZ

Alternatively, email the clerk on [email protected] or call the main academy office on 01493 661523

Vacancy for Parent Governor

A opportunity has arisen for a Parent Governor to join our Local Governing Body.
Any applicants who are interested should contact our Chair of Governor, Mark Thorpe at [email protected]