Year 2 Careers Talk

Interesting talk by Epidemiologist from World Health Organisation

Year 2 enjoyed a careers talk by World Health Organisation epidemiologist Rita Rayburn, who works in Laos, Asia. She explained about her job studying diseases, trying to understand and help prevent them. She is currently studying malaria and trying to eradicate it. Rita showed the children where she lives as well as photographs of the local people she helps, many of these people live in very rural areas which are difficult to access. She explained about the importance of maths as part of her job, as you need to analyse statistical data using different graphs. An explanation about the requirements of the career and the skills she uses daily. In addition, she shared how the barriers of learning difficulties, like dyslexia, hasn’t prevented her from excelling in her field. The children enjoyed learning more about her and her role and it inspired some to think about following her in their career choice.